Things to Do with Friends Before Leaving for College

Graduation was a blur and the summer is racing by with amazing speed since courses ended. Now without much time left you want to cherish a few more memories with your college crew before heading off in different directions to start your careers. Here’s some ideas to consider as you share these last few months together while making memories that will last a lifetime.

Backpack Across Europe

You’ve read about the world, studied it on a map, and took classes that share its history but have you actually been able to visit it live and in person? You can travel across Europe at a surprisingly low cost if you backpack across Europe together with your friends. There is safety in numbers and gathering together a couple dozen guys and girls from your dorm makes strolling through Paris, driving on the Autobahn and visiting Big Ben a feasible way to share the world with each other while claiming your own piece of history by shooting selfies everywhere you see.

Head Out To Sea

For generations, the sea represented a right of passage as youngsters matured into adults. Now there are dozens of cruising adventures on old world sailboats where you can voyage forth with your friends. Enjoy the enormity of the ocean and quiet nights under the stars discussing your dreams with the best people in the world as you head out to sea together.

Burning Man Adventures

Ever heard about Burning Man: The greatest art installation event ever known to man? Get out on the playa and meet the most intriguing people while examining temporary structures and artistic works that are carefully created even though there are all destined to meet the same blazing fate during the big burn at the end of the event. This is the kind of experience that lasts a lifetime and the people who share your virgin burn with you are sure to remember it, and you, forever!

Tickets To The Big Game

If you and your college buddies are sports fans you may want to consider booking tickets to the big game. Decades from now the Superbowl will still be talked about, that NBA championship game will still be relevant, and you’ll always be able to say you and your entire Frat were at Game 7 of the World Series. Getting tickets is easy if you book years in advance, so set the tone by starting this year and getting seats each year for the next graduating class to enjoy.

Explore The Outdoors

White water rafting, overnight camping and waking up to the sweet scent of kettle cooking on the camp fire more your speed? Head out to any one of the nation’s amazing national parks with your peers and enjoy days of adventure together. Nothing brings your graduating class closer together than an afternoon of skinny-dipping and the kinds of activities that usually follow deep into the evening afterward. You only graduate once, so give it your all and turn this summer into the once in a lifetime experience you’ve always wanted!

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